Josef Mengele |
Torture even happens in America. I was a target for intentional torture by burning, but not just any sort of burn. There is an outdated radio frequency machine( RF) that produces high voltage and is still being used by unscrupulous ENT practitioners that prefer this mostly unproductive procedure rather than surgery because they can do it, as well as other procedures in the offices and charge the insurance companies and the government more money. Steven J. Blatchford is the "laughing torturer" and the sick person who committed this act. These kinds of in-office procedures can be more dangerous than if surgery is done in a hospital setting where it is safer! The RF machine has been shown to be ineffective as it was on me but they insist on using it even though the outcomes are mostly poor as it was for me. I was not given the choice to have surgery nor was I told that surgery is more effective for a specific reason, he had evil intentions in mind The intentional burning was in an un-numbed area, done after the original procedure was already finished in my left nostril. He then pulled the probe out to this tender area and stepped on the foot pedal a second time and inflicted a sensation like multiple lightning bolts going off at the same time while he was intentionally burning me.There are Medical Professionals that know this Steven J. Blatchford to be a poor surgeon who has had major screw-ups doing these kinds of procedures and one in particular, the room in his office was covered with blood because it should not have been done without proper medical personal on hand to assist. The other ENT practices in Tucson and the Phoenix areas use much safer medical practices and have abandoned the RF procedure all-together and use surgery only which is more effective! Beware of these unscrupulous practices like Valley ENT of Arizona. Corrupt billing practices are the least of there unsavory behaviors!
Valley ENT corporation (ear,nose and throat) in “The greater Phoenix and Tucson areas” allow at least one of their managing partners to engage in and get away with intentionally torturing patient(s). I am one who chose to fight against these kinds of criminal behaviors. After filing all of the grievances and complaints, The Arizona Medical Board let him get away with this unconscionable behavior after a short review. Steven J. Blatchford is a modern day Josef Mengele who tortures for the fun of it! Mengele was Adolf Hitler’s #1 Torturer who performed so_called medical experiments on poor little boys and girls at Hitler’s Death Camps and elsewhere using electricity like Mengele did, and so did Blatchford!
MY primary Care Physician examined the burned area a few days after it occurred to document the damage in the office and I provided her notes and my exact account of the Torture to the authorities but it boiled down to his lies against my truthful account of what happened. He even laughed about what he did! The vice president of the Valley ENT corporation contacted me to try to talk me out of my complaint but there was nothing that he said that had any bearing on what this sick man did to me that morning in his office. The vice president in charge of burying these complaints is Dr. Dan Hurley from the corporate office in Scottsdale, AZ. Their address is : 9097 E. Desert Cove Ave., Suite260 - Scottsdale, AZ. 85260. These doctors protect themselves because they will sooner or later need another Doctor to lie to get them out of a jam whether intentional or not!
I have since learned from medical personnel who know this creep and know what a POOR SURGEON that he is and are also familiar with the questionable billing practices used by Valley ENT to squeeze more money out of the government as well as insurance companies than they have coming to them. CORRUPT is the word I would use to describe them all! They use procedures like the RF (radio frequency) and others in their offices instead of the hospital because they can charge more. I have since learned that the RF procedure is no longer used by the responsible practices like Tucson ENT who I went to see to document the burned area but when the Dr. learned who did it he refused to get involved because they are apparently friends. This Dr.s name is Dr. Dean. They stopped using the RF machine some time ago because it has been long known that this machine has been shown to be infective in most cases including my own situation. It appears that Dr. Steven J. Blatchford had an ulterior motive for using that machine on me and it was used as a weapon!
Beware of VALLEY ENT in Arizona!!! Help Expose Steven J. Blatchford for Medical Abuse , even Torture. Also beware of Valley ENT PC because they allows their associates to get away with this kind of torture, at least in my situation, that is the case!
1 Peter 1:13“[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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